Kent's Cavern excavations on TV
PalaeoChron has funded new research at the Kent's Cavern site near Torquay in the UK where associate member Dr Rob Dinnis (Oxford) has...

Visitor to the Lab: Bibiana Hromadová
We were not the only ones pleased to welcome Dr. Bibianá Hromadová (Slovenská akadémia vied Nitra: Slovakia) to Oxford: the weather lit...

Unravelling the Palaeolithic conference
Several members of the PalaeoChron team attended the recent Unravelling the Palaeolithic symposium held at the University of...

Krakow, Poland
Tom Higham and Natasha Reynolds were in Poland in the city of Krakow this past week examining material from several sites and meeting...

Ksar Akil response paper out
Our reply to the Bosch et al. paper in PNAS has been published. You can access it here. In it we draw attention to the inherent problems...

Ljubljana, Slovenia
The last PalaeoChron sampling trip of 2015 was to Ljubljana in Slovenia. As usual, we are interested in Late Mousterian and Early Upper...

PalaeoChron has been working in the Basque part of the French Pyrenees at the site of Isturitz. Isturitz is a key site located in an area...
PalaeoChron lectures in New Zealand
In late September/early October 2015 Tom Higham gave a series of lectures in New Zealand as a guest of the Allan Wilson Centre for...

Sampling in the Smithsonian
PalaeoChron spent some time in Washington DC this November sampling material from Iran and Iraq. We were working with Melinda Zeder at...

Croatian conference
Following an invitation by Professor Ivor Karavanic (see left), Rachel and Thibaut attended the International conference “Prehistoric...