Rachel viva success
Rachel Hopkins had her viva for DPhil on December 7 at the RLAHA. Her examiners were Prof. Nick Conard (Tübingen University) and Prof. Christopher Ramsey of the RLAHA. We are pleased to say she passed with minor corrections! Rachel's doctorate is entitled "A matter of time: Towards an absolute chronology for the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic biocultural shift along the Danube fluvial corridor". From the entire PalaeoChron team, Rachel, congratulations!

Rachel's work has taken her to Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia, and sites such as Kozarnika, Dzereva Skala, Willendorf, Pesko and Mladec. She has run more than 100 dates using the latest cutting edge methods, including direct dates of Neanderthals and a large number of Aurignacian bone implements. Expect some exciting publications to come from this work.