Precision dating of the Palaeolithic :
chronological mapping of the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia

PALAEOCHRON aims to refine and improve the chronology of Palaeolithic sites from western Europe to Siberia. Some of the key sites include Denisova, the Kostenki sites and Sungir in Russia, Ksar Akil in Lebanon, Mochi and Fumane in Italy. Other sub-projects aim at methodological developments.

(photo © James King-Holmes)
We use the latest methods of radiocarbon and OSL dating in the PalaeoChron project. These include ultrafiltration pretreatment of collagen, the dating of single amino acids, single grain OSL measurement and U-series dating of ostrich eggshell. By using these methods within a Bayesian modeling approach, we plan to improve the chronology of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic period across Eurasia between 70—30,000 years ago.
“Time alone is the lens that can throw it into focus”
Hallam Movius Jr., writing on the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition
Current Anthropology, 1960

Industrial support