"FINDER" : ERC grant awarded to Katerina Douka
The PalaeoChron team is delighted to announce the award of an ERC Starting Grant to Dr Katerina Douka, one of the PalaeoChron...

Congratulations Cara!
The entire PalaeoChron team sends it very best wishes and congratulations to Cara on submitting her final MSc dissertation. The...

Betovo, Russia
The open-air sites from East European Plane are of great importance when discussing the transition from the late Middle Palaeolithic to...

Bulgaria fieldwork 2016
Rachel Hopkins and Eileen Jacob, both PalaeoChron PhD students, travelled to Kozarnika Cave in northern Bulgaria. The site has been...

Austria/Slovakia August
It is always a joy to travel back to Vienna. The percent nitrogen (%N) samples taken the last time indicated good collagen preservation...

The south of Italy
Tom, Marine and Katerina spent a week sampling material from 4 important Italian sequences. We were working with the Siena team of...

Poland sampling
Marine went to the site of Biśnik Cave in the central part of the Kraków-Częstochowa valley, to collect sediment samples for...

Sampling in Granada
Tom and Eileen returned to Granada to renew work on material in the museum there from Cariguela. We are aiming to attempt to AMS date low...

C14 and Archaeology conference
PalaeoChron members attended the 8th International C14 and Archaeology meeting in Edinburgh in late June. The conference was held at the...

Torquay trip
We visited Torquay this week for our regular monthly meeting as well as to see the excavations currently being undertaken at the site of...