Visitor to the Lab: Bibiana Hromadová

We were not the only ones pleased to welcome Dr. Bibianá Hromadová (Slovenská akadémia vied Nitra: Slovakia) to Oxford: the weather lit up and the city of Spires presented itself in the best light possible.
After a tour of our radiocarbon and laboratory facilities, Bib presented a talk on Palaeolithic bone and ivory technology at the Palaeolithic and Quaternary Seminar Series, held weekly during term time at the Institute of Archaeology. Her talk was entitled "Hard animal raw materials and their use in the production of tools in the Kostenki-Avdeevo culture, Russia (Kostienki 1/1, Avdeevo)." The talk was excellent and followed by an lively discussion which eventually had to be transferred to the pub.
Bibiana's visit was rounded off with a special Oxford experience: A college guest night. The formal dinner took place at Wolfson College, one of the more modern colleges at Oxford, which proudly presented its just finished building extension.
The short time spent together greatly improved our understanding of each other's work and methods, but time past too quickly. We are greatly looking forward to continuing our collaboration and meeting soon for sampling and analysis of material from the Palaeolithic of Slovakia.