Krakow, Poland

PalaeoChron made a two day trip to Krakow to sample material from Polish Palaeolithic sites. Jarosław Wilczyński of the Polish Academy of Sciences is one of our main collaborators, along with Janusz Kozlowski and Damian Stefanski. On our previous trip to Krakow we had a series of initial meetings to discuss possible sites, this time the focus was on selecting material.
We sampled material from Mamutowa, as well as Nietoperzowa cave, one of the key sites of the Jerzmanowician technocomplex. The aim is to try to build more refined chronologies from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic of the region north of the Carpathians and the Sudeten of Poland, using the latest methods.
At the same time as our visit the Gravettian hunters conference was taking place. We were able to catch up with several colleagues at the meeting. On the Friday the conference had a fieldtrip and a dinner afterwards in the Ojcowski National Park, near to the site of Ciemna. This was a great occasion and a nice opportunity to meet several Russian, Polish and other colleagues.

The Gravettian Hunters conference was organised by Jarosław and Piotr Wojtal (see picture right).

Below: cutmarked bones sampled for AMS dating.