Svante Pääbo visit

The PaleoChron team hosted the visit of Svante Pääbo to the ORAU to discuss method development for AMS and DNA prep, and to look at joint collaborations. Mike Buckley, Thibaut Deviese, Katerina Douka, Dan Comesky and Tom Higham had meetings with Svante throughout the two days he spent with us. Mike and Dan are working on screening bone from some of the Russian sites we both work on to find human remains with ZooMS. We also looked at possible sampling opportunities for human bone in the ORAU collections and discussed our joint Russian work at Denisova Cave.
Svante's talk at Keble on the 19th was widely attended and watched by a wide audience on the live video podcast.
(above) Thibaut and Svante with the new SFC/SFE system we are using in the ORAU.

(right) Katerina and Svante after lunch at Brasenose College.