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1st Project meeting

The PalaeoChron team had a group meeting on July 30 2014 to update progress, discuss results and formulate future plans.


Tom Higham introduced the session with a general update on the project, aims and scope. Katerina Douka described sampling and pretreatment chemistry, and showed some of the sites we are currently working on. Christopher Ramsey described updates to INTCAL, new modelling approaches and ideas for improving project database work.

Thibaut Deviese and James McCullagh described the new developments in single amino acid work and SFC/SFE and the Chromatography lab which is being built downstairs in the ORAU.

Mike Buckley updated recent developments in the ZooMS technique in Manchester and the application of ZooMS within PalaeoChron and the sites we are working on. Ludovic Slimak talked about some of the key transition and interstratification evidence and his experiences in dating these.

Dan Comeskey and Rachel Hopkins also attended the meeting, in their roles of project technician and D.Phil student respectively. Jean-Luc Schwenninger wasn't able to make it.

We had a useful discussion of all aspects of the project and future work. Afterwards we enjoyed a nice evening together over food and drinks.


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© K. Douka,  T. Higham, E. Mastora

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